Why do I bother with a blog? "Oh, it'll be so fun to look back on! I'll update every week! Blahblahblah" ::gag::
Every single one of my posts is me saying "Oh, shit, I suck at blogging." Nothing's changed there. But, I'm going to try. I shall try for 2012, I shall try for my sake-to have these old entries to look back on, and I shall try for the new baby!
So since I last updated in July.. We bought our house, we moved in, I redecorated, we had an awesome summer of beach trips and fun parties, and then on my 21st birthday, I saw a "positive" on the routine pregnancy test that I take generally every couple months. I had taken at least 5 so far that year, each when Aunt Flo hid from me. I was still breastfeeding up until late July, so I knew why I was never regular. Well, low and behold, not 2 months after weaning, I am knocked up. HOLY BALLS I am fertile.
I don't recall my midwife every saying, "Hey this birth control pill is safe for breastfeeding, BUT NOT SAFE FOR YOUR UTERUS IF YOU STOP BREASTFEEDING." But apparently, that's the case. She basically laughed and said, "Yeah you should have switched to a different pill after weaning."
Um. Okay. How's about putting that in red font on the BCP package? I mean, really?
It's all good, though. It's sunk in now, and it's all joyous and stuff. Well, mostly. It's been an easy breezy (beautiful!) pregnancy, just as it was with Cohen. The first trimester was like this: Wah wah, boo hoo, I'm exhausted and hormonal, and I hate you, Darren! The second trimester hast been like this: I'm tired, no I'm not, I'm tired, no I'm not. And only a smidge of mean hormones in there. Also, I'm a bottomless pit and I want to eat any and everything. I don't actually think it's the pregnancy doing that to me, I think it's my mind thinking it's okay to eat like that.
Anyway, last week we found out we're having another boy. I knew it all along. I could just tell. My ILs and parents (and husband) were all slightly disappointed. I can't say that I wasn't either. A little girl would have been amazing. BUT with an 18 month age difference, I think I like the same sex sib set. When the baby is a little older, the boys will share the big room upstairs, and they can share clothes, and toys. Maybe in 6 years or something we will have another baby, and I'll get my little girl, and we'll be best friends since my boys will be 8 and 6 and think they're too cool for me.
So we found out on Sept 20th. What else happened since then? Oh, gee, idk the light of my life turning 1!
Cohen's birthday was Nov 19 and we had an amazing Oregon Ducks birthday party for him. He got some awesome presents, and even though he was fighting off his first cold, he really had a fun time. I loved planning the party and can't wait to plan more fun kiddie parties for the next few years.
Laura (my best friend!) came to visit for 5ish days. It was so nice having her here with me during the day. Adult conversation is priceless. We had a great time, and I was a sobbing mess when she left. I pink puffy heart her. She's my other half <3
We had a splendid holiday season! Christmas Eve with the Cooks, and Christmas Day with the Clines. New Years Eve we did nothing special, but we talked about some fun new traditions we want to start, that the kiddos will sure to love (when they're a few years older).
Also new on the homefront: I got into nursing school!!!1!!!1!! I was so excited, I cried my face off. I didn't think I'd get in. I didn't study for the TEAS (placement exam) as much as I should have. But, I got in and I will either be starting in September or January. I'm hoping January, then the baby will be 6 months old, and Cohen will be a little over 2. That will be FUN [codeword for overwhelming].
Other than all that junk, I've just been working part time, and being my awesome self. Doing yoga, eating a lot, watching too much TV, and having a lot of fun with my crazy baby... I mean.. toddler :[
So see you in another 6 months?
I'll leave you with some photos:
Front view of our first house! Bad lighting.
Back view
Me & my babe. August.
Meeting the beach. September.
Halloween. Me and my parrot. He started walking like a pro around this time.
Our new puppy Juno.
CAKE! Happy Birthday, Cohen!
So happy to have Auntie Lala visiting!
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
About 17 weeks with Baby #2. I will be 20 weeks this Tuesday!