Thursday, July 5, 2012

Independence Day

Yesterday was the 4th (which means Daddy was home with us! WOOOO). How sad that was my favorite part about this week, lol. Staying at home with the boys can be tiring and a little daunting, and I love having Darren home with me. Throw in a random day off midweek and I am one happy girl! We enjoyed a day like any other weekend yesterday; a big breakfast all together and spending some time outside in the hot weather. The boys were in their cute 4th of July get-ups and we made plans to go to a BBQ after Cohen's nap. It was a good time; we go to this BBQ every year. Our friends w;ere there, along with delicious food. Cohen got to play with some of the other kids and Darren got to kick ass in volleyball. Os was such a good boy getting passed around by every one. He took a few little cat naps, and we finally left around 8 when he was getting crabby and Cohen was ready for bed. After we got the boys down, Darren went back over there and I got to enjoy alone time with the last season of Weeds and a bag of chips. I also worked on a craft I am making for my best friend's wedding. It's just a little gift for one of her showers. She is marrying Darren's best friend on the 14th (wow it's coming up!). It's a jute-wrapped letter and it's looking really good. Crafts, Weeds, and snacks by myself... Pretty good way to end the night. 

Things have been going really well here. I'm still not sleeping because Os is still not sleeping :) He wakes up about every 2 hours. Sometimes he surprises me with a 4 hour stretch but it's almost always his first stretch (when I'm still up getting Cohen to bed or picking up from dinner). Our days are pretty good since the weather is nice. C burns a lot of energy outside and we go to the park almost every day. My mom comes over once or twice a week, and my sister comes over about once a week, too. It's nice to have some adult conversation besides my coffee lady :) Darren's mom likes to take Cohen now and then and he loves to spend time with her and gives me a little break. Os is such a great napper, so Cohen and I have been able to have some normal days and spend a lot of quality time together. I'll admit by 4 oclock I'm harassing Darren to come home early. He doesn't get to very often, though :( Last week Cohen and I even got to spend an afternoon by ourselves, and I could tell he really loved it. Grams loved watching Oslo, too. I took Cohen to get his hair cut which look AWFUL. The guy messed it up so bad. It breaks my heart. We have to put product in it and make it into a little mohawk to look normal. Thank goodness it grows fast. Darren is not pleased! Lol. 

Here's a photo dump of my sweet patriotic babes: