Monday, April 4, 2011

Well, I suck at blogging.

I really need to be better about posting. I always sit down to blog but end up bumping and/or facebooking and not getting it done. Well what is new since I last posted? The 4 month wakeful has left the building. Cohen is back to his usual sleep schedule. He goes to bed around 8 or 8:30, fusses for his binky usually twice between 3-5, and is up anywhere from 7-9. I'm getting really tired of the binky and the swaddle. I've been reading more and more about Ferber and I think we're going to give it a go next weekend.. </3

I had a few opening shifts last week, which was nice because I could be home by 1 or 2 and have the whole day with my boy. I'm back to closing 4 days a week, and I start school tomorrow. I'm feeling somewhat excited for school just because I'll get to see a few friends I haven't seen in a while, and I can start going to the gym 3 days a week. I'm not looking forward to an extra day without my baby, though. My schedule will be hectic. On Mondays and Wednesdays my mom will be at my house at 9:30 for me to leave and be to class by 10. I will have class until 11:50. On Mondays I work at 1, so I will have an hour to work out. On Wednesdays I work at 2, sometimes 3, so I will be able to work out, tan, and maybe study if I need to. I get off at 6:30 which gets me home around 7, so I can do Cohen's bedtime routine and put him to bed. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I will at least have the morning with Cohen. I will drop him off with MIL at 1, be to class at 1:20 and be out around 2:30. On Tuesdays I don't have my evening class until 5, so I will have over two hours to get errands done, work out, etc. I'll then have my class from 5 until 7:15, so I probably won't get to see Cohen before he goes to bed :( On Thursdays I work at 3 so I'll go right to work after class, and be home at 7. FRIDAYS are my savior days--just me and Cohen all day long until Daddy gets home. I work a 6 hour shift on Saturdays so that's Cohen & Daddy days, and Sunday is our family day--the best day of all!

I ordered the Jillian Drawers cloth diaper trial, and I'm loving it so far. I will post a separate blog to review which cloth diapers I love/like/hate. I ordered some to start my own stash, and I'm pretty excited about it.

I went to the chiro for my back pain. It's helped quite a bit, but it still feels strained and it will probably stay that way as long as I have a little boy to pick up. At least it's better though.

Cohen has been his usual squealing, rolling, crazy self. I love him more and more each day. I'll end this post with some pics of him!

OH, and some giggles :):):) Only 7 seconds-my silly camera turned off.


  1. Hey girly! Cute blog :) I'm following you now! lol

  2. Hey! Thanks, I usually get addicted and look at blog stuff all day, and then forget about it for days! I need to get better at it, though. Your blog is SO cute, I love the layout!

  3. What a happy little guy! Too cute.
